Monday, December 15, 2008

Weekend in Salt Lake!

We got to use Jared's Christmas present this weekend! We went to the Jazz game vs. the Orlando Magic. The only reason I bought tickets to that game was because Jared's favorite player in the NBA is Dwight Howard. He's one of the best players in the NBA! Since 2004 when he was drafted into the NBA he has never missed a game. He played over 300 consecutive games. Never missed a game ok?! Until that night!!!! Seriously. Seriously? The first game that he misses and it had to be that one!? I'm still feeling a little bitter about it. On top of it we lost. We totally died in the second half. But I wouldn't have cared so much if Dwight Howard had actually played.

When we got to Salt Lake we went to the Olive Garden to eat (which was part of my Christmas present) to kind of celebrate when I first met Jared's family last year and the night he decided that he wanted to marry me. It was such a great night. We then walked around Temple Square, another one of my very favorite things to do. The temple is so amazingly beautiful. And since that's where we were married it means that much more to me.

It was so much fun and we were able to spend a lot of time reminiscing, talking about the future, and just enjoying being with each other! It feels so good to be done with finals, have a break from school, and just be able to spend my time with Jared. We have a lot of fun together!


Jennica said...

hey you decided to get a blog!! YAY!! Your blog is super cute!

Em and Jared said...

Ha ha! Thanks! What can I say? I'm weak.