Yes my friends, we are sick . . . again. November was horrible for it because that's when it all really started to get bad. Jared developed pneumonia the first week and I had a bacterial infection. We were told that pneumonia takes about a month to get over. Well, a month later it's December and the pneumonia is gone, but Jared has a cough that shakes the entire apartment. I also have a cough, but it's not nearly that bad.
After talking about it with a couple of girls at work, we decided that once you get married your entire body decides that it's going to fall completely apart. Jared used to go years in between getting sick and it's really frustrating that it just won't go away now. It's put a little extra stress into our already busy and stressful lives. And insurance companies. I've pretty much decided they're run by the devil himself. Where they pretend for a while like they're good and helpful and what not, but when it really comes down to it they'll just leave you to rot. They don't really care. Except to make themselves some bucks.
On the upside, the semester is just about done!! Hallelujah! One more week of testing all week long and then a great break that I'm definitely looking forward to. I always like starting out a new semester, and really going through the rest of the semester isn't too bad until you hit about the last 2 or 3 weeks. Then it just sucks. So one more week of sucking!
Finally, I gave Jared his Christmas present 2 nights ago. I got him 2 tickets to the Jazz vs. Orlando Magic basketball game. I bought them clear back in September and I was worried about it since then because they're not cheap for one. And two, if I had waited like a day or so I could have had better seats. That's frustrating. He was excited about them anyway and we're excited to go!! The game is next Saturday and he's going to give me my Christmas present then too. I love December!