Monday, November 8, 2010

Fall, Fall, Fall!

Autumn is my most favorite time of the year! I love the colors, and the smells, and the weather and just everything about it. I have been loving the weather that we have had so far this fall. I've noticed that everyone has been posting what they're grateful for on FB everyday and I love seeing how many of us are truly blessed. I decided that I wanted to write my gratitudes here.

Nov. 1 - I am so incredibly grateful for Jared! I could never have asked for a better guy to have for forever. He is so kind and patient. He is so willing to watch all the crappy shows that I for some reason just love to watch. He always gets those dishes washed (eventually)! And I know that all he wants is to make me happy. - Sap done.
Nov. 2 - My parents are the greatest!
Nov. 3 - I have a job that (for the most part) I love, and helps us pay for the bills. Those kids crack me up pretty much every single day.
Nov. 4 - I have some pretty amazing and fantastic friends who have stuck by me through thick and thin! There are those that I know I can go to with anything and they'll be there for me.
Nov. 5 - The gospel!! Where in the world would I be without it!
Nov. 6 - A place to live. (Even with it's yucky couch. I'm grateful to have something to sit on besides the floor.)
Nov. 7 - Food to eat. And boy do I.
Nov. 8 - The opportunity to have an education and to (hopefully!)continue with my schooling.
Nov. 9 - I am so incredibly grateful to have in-laws that I absolutely love. There are no terrible, horrible, no good, very bad in-law stories from me! (And thank goodness!) They are always so supportive of us and completely and totally loving.
Nov. 10 - This is going to sound really weird but birth control. Holy cow. I look at it as a miracle drug! I look forward to the day when we will have kids, but that day is not today.
Nov. 11 - Just the time period I live in, in general. Look at all the technology that we have! I don't know about you, but I am feeling super pampered today what with my car, and my microwave, and my movies. . . Yup. Technology is the best!
Nov. 12 - Blankets!!! If you know me, you know that I love blankets! I don't know what it is exactly about them but I love just wrapping myself up in any one of my many blankets at any time of day and just feeling that happy warmness. And the funny thing . . . Jared is the exact same way! If you've never seen anyone get giddy about blankets, you are missing out.
Nov. 13 - Books, books, books. I can never get enough of them. I love to read and I am so grateful to have so many talented people out there who can just reel me in and keep me for hours. Books are my escape and there is nothing I would love more than to win a ten thousand dollars just to spend on books.
Nov. 14 - Jared wanted to include something he was grateful for. "I am grateful for my wife. I am grateful for Emilie. I love her." Awww!
Nov. 15 - Jared's too! "I am so grateful for both of our families."
Nov. 16 - I have got some really good visiting teachers. Sometimes I get really annoyed because I feel that they're just trying to get it done and that's it. But mine don't seem like that. I got a text from one of them asking how I was feeling because of my brother heading to the MTC. To me, that is sincerity at it's best. Love them.
Nov. 17 - I am so grateful to have a younger brother who is someone that I can completely look up to. We took him to the MTC today and I could not be prouder of him! He is going to do such a great job!
Nov. 18 - So grateful to have a husband who holds the priesthood and can give me blessing when I need them. Today was definitely that day and it helped me so much! I love my Jared!
Nov. 19 - All I can is . . . HALLELUJAH!! I am so grateful today that the GRE is done and done! I'm very grateful that we had the means to be able to pay for it and that my studying seems to have paid off.

I'm pretty sure 30 days won't be enough to contain all that I am grateful for, but another reason I love autumn is because this is when gratitude comes to the forefront of our minds. Thanksgiving is a time for thanks then we get Christmas where we focus our gratitude on Christ. I love it!