Saturday, May 2, 2009

Summer is Official!

I can't believe that classes and finals are done and it's finally summer break! April was so stressful with work and all of my classes requiring everything! 5 finals, a practice final (that still counts for points), 6 performances (which also means 6 papers), 3 final projects (and presentations on them), and a book report. All just in the last couple weeks of school. Really? Why? For the love of . . . Jared got a 4.o this semester which is great! I came close darn it. Now I can just relax and just work all summer. I'm ok with that.

Jared and I are moving out of our apartment at the end of the month. I'm a little sad, but only because I won't have my own washer and dryer anymore. I love doing laundry. But I prefer doing it in my own place. It's a nice little place and it'll be nice to have a change of scenery (aka neighbors!). Nothing else has really been going on yet. We're just so happy to be done with school for a while!! Hopefully I'll appreciate summer and not sleep the whole time.